Thursday, November 8, 2012

Life as a military wife I came across a picture of a girls status of how she was an "official Army girlfriend"... Let me just share the picture with you...

I don't know whether to be embarrassed for her or her boyfriend. I'm crossing my fingers that he didn't stay with her after this post. If his recruiter told them they would be allowed house without being married...that's lie number one. Then if he told them the military would pay for the wedding and her dress...lie number two. Then my favorite part is her comment back to the girl. The recruiter has her down as an "official Army girlfriend"...Oh, so exciting. All she got out of that is a "Proud Army Girlfriend" and a bumper sticker that says "I love my soldier". Some of the stuff people say, it never ceases to amaze me. But man, is she in for a rude awakening if she thinks she will get all that stuff..

Then status number two...I borrowed this from a girl who posted on the wives page we are apart of after I posted my status picture (not my status, by the way). I'm happily married and know that you don't get to live with your boyfriend and they don't pay for your wedding.

Here it is...
Okay, we don't complain about anything. Except for when our concession checks are late and then we only complain because it's our money they promised would be here by the 15th. Then it's not here, yeah we get a little disappointed. Because sometimes more stuff comes up unexpectedly and we need the money. But no, our internet, cable, housing and etc. isn't paid for. They pull our rent directly out of our husband's pay check. We just never see that money. As for internet, cable and other stuff, that's extra stuff we want, that we PAY for! They are our bills. Just like a cell phone bill. You think the military pays for that too? Well, if you do, you're wrong. When people assume everything we get is free, it pisses us off. Because the only thing we get free is medical care. And even then we have to go to certain places and even then we might still have to pay some. There are some military families feel like they do deserve to get everything for free just because they are military. But not every military family is like that.

So, before y'all go posting shit like this, why don't you look into what we all go through. Yeah, we know what we signed up for. But we also don't need bitches like you saying we want everything for free. Especailly when our husbands and some of us work for what we get. We can't help that some places give us a discount for being military. So before you complain about us, try to see what we go through. Because this just makes you an ungrateful bitch. And I hope you got an ear full from every military wife who had access to your profile.

I'm proud to be a military wife and I wouldn't trade it for the world! And I know a few other women who are just as proud to be a military wife, just like me.

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