Friday, November 9, 2012


The above picture is a picture of Rachel and I. We met my freshman year in high school during basketball try outs. After that we were attached at the hip. On the weekends, she was either at my house or I was at hers. Sometimes, even during the week. We spent so much time together that she became like a sister to me. Then people started telling us we looked alike, so therefore she became my twin. I remember she went with me to take my Senior pictures and the photographer thought we were twins. Then one day at the mall, the sales lady thought I was the kid and Rachel was the friend that was visiting. It was quite funny. We did everything together, I mean everything. Except for the absolute personal stuff.

Then in February 2012, we stopped talking over some stupid drama. It was like after that, everything started happening and the only person I wanted to talk to was her. So many times I entered her number to call or to text her, but deleted it and just let it go. I didn't know if she would talk to me or not. And if I was her, I wouldn't wanna talk to me after all that. So, I just let it go and tried to forget about all the bullshit. Because all I wanted was my friend back. She was my absolute best friend. She was there for me through some rough break-ups and a lot of tough stuff. It's hard to find a true friend that you don't ever fight with. Rachel and I never fought. And if we did, it was only a joke and didn't last long at all. To be honest, half the time we were fighting over who got the last piece of pizza or what kinda cookie dough we wanted. That was a true friend! Summers were spent staying up all night long and having heart-to-hearts about anyone and everything. We even went night swimming. Only true friends wake-up at midnight because they wanna go swimming. Oh, and tagging the twin mobile to the point where we couldn't really see out any of the windows. Ha! Those were some great times! We have so many memories it's hard to write them all down. And if I were to try, I'd be typing into next week sometime. Crazy, huh?

Now, here it is November 2012 and we are talking again. All because I decided to write a letter and apologize. I didn't expect a letter back or anything. One day, I checked my mail and there it was, addressed to Mrs. Morgan Ann. I knew right then who it was from without looking at the return address just for the simple fact Rachel was the only one who called me Morgan Ann. We are talking like nothing ever happened between us. We don't miss a beat. But what makes us sad is the fact we both missed some important stuff in each others lives. I missed her high school prom and graduation. She missed my wedding. These things might not seem important to anyone else, but they were a very big deal to us. I'm just glad to have my best friend back. 

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